Helping Your Indoor Air Stay Clean & Healthy

Originally Published in February 2018

Statistics show that people are spending more time indoors than ever before – as much as 90% more than they are spending outdoors. This means that it is more important than ever for indoor air to be clean in McDonough, GA. There are a number of things you can do to improve and maintain indoor air quality. For example, UV lights kill bacteria and other microbes that are in the air. Air purifiers also reduce or eliminate airborne particles such as bacteria and allergens. Try these additional simple and effective tips below.

Keep Floors Clean

Regular sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming will reduce a significant amount of dust and airborne pollutants that find their way into your home. These substances can settle onto floors and into carpet fibers and be dispersed each time someone walks on them. Along with cleaning, air purifiers also help to remove these types of pollutants from the air. Keeping carpets and floors clean will reduce dust and dirt.

Check Your Cleaning Supplies

Everyone loves a clean-smelling home. However, a large number of the most popular scented cleaning products on the market contain harmful chemicals. When these products are used to clean our homes, wash our laundry, and freshen our air, we breathe in the chemicals. Check cleaning products and air freshener labels for chemical content. Choose products with no artificial fragrance. Stop using any kind of aerosol spray products such as air fresheners, hair spray, furniture polish, etc.

Have A Strict No Smoking Rule

Everyone knows that smoking is one of the unhealthiest habits a person can have. If you have friends or family who smoke, let them know that there is a strict No Smoking rule in your home. No exceptions. Cigarette smoke is deadly. Even non-smokers are at risk for serious health problems when exposed to the secondhand smoke of others. Protect your family and yourself from this danger, and keep your home fresh-smelling and carcinogen-free.

Find out more about keeping your indoor air clean and healthy by reading about indoor air quality on our website or by calling Jones Climate Control.

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