How to Get Ready for Air Conditioning Season

Warmer weather is arriving in Stockbridge, Georgia, in fits and starts. To ensure that your home’s air conditioning will keep you comfortably cool when spring fully arrives, take these steps now:

Give Your Air Conditioning System a Trial Run

Turn on your air conditioner and take an inventory. Here’s what to check for:

  • Is the system making any strange noises?
  • Is the AC taking a long time to cool off your home?
  • Is weak airflow coming from the vents?
  • Are there any foul odors?
  • Do you notice any hot spots that aren’t getting cool?
  • Is the thermostat readout inaccurate?
  • Are there any leaks around the unit?
  • Is there high humidity even while the system is running?

If any of the above are true, you need air conditioning repair. If not, it’s time to schedule an AC tuneup.

Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

If you want to make it safely through the year without an air conditioner breakdown, have the unit serviced before you start using it. Contractors insist and industry studies confirm that the lion’s share of AC repairs are caused by poor maintenance. A quality air conditioner tuneup should accomplish three things:

  • Prime the unit to operate as efficiently as possible to keep utility bills as low as possible.
  • Identify and correct any potential issues that could cause a breakdown or require a repair down the road.
  • Clean, prepare and calibrate the unit to operate safely and function optimally to keep your home as cool and comfortable as possible.

The best way to ensure that your HVAC is always ready for anything is with a maintenance plan. At Jones Climate Control, we’ll keep your indoor comfort level high with two annual maintenance visits and a variety of VIP benefits and exclusive perks. Visit us online to learn more, or call us at (678) 210-3851 to schedule AC maintenance in Stockbridge, Georgia.

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