How VOCs Impact Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

The air you breathe in your Atlanta, GA home can have serious consequences for your health, particularly if your indoor air quality is poor. Air quality issues often have multiple causes, but volatile organic compounds are especially concerning.

The Science of Volatile Organic Compounds

Look around your home and you’ll find countless products and materials that are made from a dizzying array of chemicals. While many are harmless, certain organic chemicals are readily released into the air through a process called off-gassing. The resulting emissions are known as volatile organic compounds or VOCs. Common household sources of VOCs include paint, carpet, vinyl flooring, manufactured wood products, adhesives, cleaning supplies, furniture, and air fresheners.

How VOCs Take a Toll on Air Quality and Health

With so many potential emission sources, it’s not surprising that VOCs can accumulate rather quickly in enclosed spaces. Even modest levels of certain VOCs can seriously compromise your air quality. Since these airborne compounds are small enough to inhale, they pose a clear hazard to anyone in your home. Potential health risks of VOC exposure include respiratory irritation, difficulty breathing, nausea, organ damage, and even cancer.

Make Your Home a VOC-Free Zone

The good news is that protecting your Stockbridge, Georgia, home from VOCs may be easier than you think. First and foremost, choose products with low-VOC and zero-VOC labels to help limit the emission sources in your home. Second, consider a high-quality air cleaner to help eliminate airborne pollutants and improve your overall air quality. Most importantly, ensure that your home has enough ventilation to flush out stale, VOC-laden air and replace it with fresh, clean air. A whole-home ventilator is a great way to achieve proper ventilation without sacrificing your home’s efficiency.

Life is too short to spend your time worrying about volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollution. From air quality inspections to whole-home ventilators, call Jones Climate Control for professional indoor air quality solutions you can trust.

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