Why Commercial HVAC Load Calculation Is So Important

People often assume that just by replacing an older HVAC system in their Peachtree City, GA business with a newer and more efficient model, they’ll be all set. However, this is not the case. You need to have an HVAC load calculation completed by a professional first. This way, your system can provide you with reliable air conditioning and heating.

The Correct Way Of Performing HVAC Load Calculations

Many contractors don’t perform load calculations because it can be a rather time-consuming process. These contractors rely on a rule of thumb to determine the size of the cooling system required by a building. They generally use 400 to 600 square feet per ton as a rule, but every building is different. This inexact calculation tends to result in a system that’s too large for your commercial property.

At Jones Climate Control, we use the Manual J protocol to accurately determine the size of the air conditioning system your property needs. This system was developed by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America. It’s a specific calculation that measures several aspects of the building to correctly determine the ideal size, style, and application of HVAC system. Previously, these calculations were carried out by engineers with paper, pen, and slide rules. However, with the advancement of technology, these calculations are easily done with computer programs.

Why Is Load Calculation So Critical?

There are various reasons as to why you should have an HVAC load calculation before installing a new cooling system. A load calculation will help you:

  • Choose the right-sized system for maximum comfort and efficiency
  • Lower your monthly utility bills by consuming less energy
  • Identify ptential issues that will affect your new system’s performanceli>

You can see that a commercial HVAC load calculation is vital before choosing your cooling system. At Jones Climate Control, we are always ready to provide cost-effective and reliable services to our customers. For more details, call us at 678-210-3851 and schedule an appointment before your next project.

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