Does Your Home’s AC Keep Tripping the Circuit Breaker?

The last thing you need during the sizzling-hot summer in Peachtree City, GA is a malfunctioning air conditioner. If your air conditioner causes a tripped circuit breaker, this is a cause for concern. Read on to learn about some of the reasons why tripped circuit breakers occur at the start of or during cooling cycles.

Dirty Air Filter or Outdoor Unit

A dirty air filter makes your air conditioner work harder. The debris impedes airflow, so the system will keep running until it reaches the temperature setting on your thermostat. Eventually, it will overheat and cause a tripped circuit breaker. The circuit breaker may also trip if the outdoor unit is dirty. The dirt prevents the outdoor unit from releasing the heat it transferred out of your home. Routine maintenance by our qualified AC professionals prevents these issues.

Short-circuited Motor

A short circuit in the motor of the outdoor unit or the air handler may result in a tripped circuit breaker. Short circuits result when the insulation around the wiring degrades. The electricity takes the shortest path it can find. There’s nothing to stop it from drawing a high load of power, so the breaker trips. If the breaker didn’t trip, the AC’s motor could catch fire.

Compressor Issue

An issue with the AC’s compressor could cause a tripped circuit breaker, explains the Department of Energy. Overheating is the most common cause of compressor issues. A loss of lubricant may lead to overheating. This trips the unit’s high limit switch. As compressors get older, they perform hard starts. A hard start draws more electricity. This high power demand could trip the circuit breaker. Rarely, a compressor short to the ground may ignite the compressor’s oil and cause a tripped circuit breaker.

For more information about why your home’s AC keeps tripping the circuit breaker, check out Jones Climate Control’s air conditioning repair services, or contact our qualified AC professionals today.

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