How to Know it’s Time to Replace Your Furnace

Homeowners in Stockbridge, GA, know that a reliable furnace is crucial to safety and comfort throughout the unpredictable winter season. If your furnace struggles to provide that safety and comfort, it might be time to replace it. Here are four signs that alert you that furnace replacement is on the horizon.

1. Uneven Temperatures

Inconsistent heating can stem from a malfunctioning thermostat or leaky air ducts, both of which you can solve with professional HVAC service, but it can also suggest more serious issues. A cracked heat exchanger, wrong-sized unit, or a damaged control board might signal furnace replacement.

2. Noticeable Signs of Rust

Rust, along with cracks, is a typical feature of age. If you notice either one, it’s a good indication that your furnace is nearing the end of its life expectancy. The normal lifetime of a furnace is 15 to 20 years if you’ve maintained it well.

3. Health Problems

Indoor air quality is as serious in winter as it is during the summer. If your family members complain of headaches, nausea, burning eyes, or other symptoms, check your heat exchanger. It might have developed cracks or holes that allow carbon monoxide to seep into your home. Repairing a heat exchanger is costly, and furnace replacement might be the better option if your furnace is aging or out of warranty.

4. High Fuel Bills

Rising fuel bills without a change in your family’s lifestyle signal an inefficient furnace that’s working hard to keep you warm. That extra work leads to more frequent, and usually more costly, repair bills. The combination of climbing bills and increasing repairs point to furnace replacement.

Professional HVAC service extends the life of your heating equipment, but if you’ve noticed any of these signs, it’s time to call for a free estimate on furnace replacement. To learn more, check out the heating services we offer at Jones Climate Control or call (678) 210-3851.

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